Pokemon Thursday

Author: Kenta Nagano // Category:
Today i was at work again, very bored. So i busted out some drawin paper and i drew the cover because i was bored. Sry the pics are kinda small. They were taken by my iphone, not bad for a camera pic tho lol. i luv my iphone hehe

Heres wat I drew

Heres wat the original looked like

Heres another one i drew, it was the coloring part.

yes its traced lol

1 Response to "Pokemon Thursday"

Kenny Says :
March 6, 2009 at 12:53 PM

hahahhaha i was hella looking at the pic like...wait did he trace that or is max really that good at drawing?! and then i scroll down and it tells you hahahha. hella funny/random that u drew that still tho.

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