Up And Down Week
Author: Kenta Nagano // Category:
So ya, ive been having a up and down week this month. On Thursday i blew my motor, it was hella sad when they told me that i blew the motor. hella gay. Then on Saturday I went to a club called "Rouge" with Nai, Koy, and Phan, Nais friends. It was alot of fun. So dat made the week much better. Then on Sunday Nai, Kenny, Leslee and I rode the ferry from Alameda to Pier 39. It was my first time riding a ferry somewhere. It was awesome, hella fun. And being with Nai and my Bffs made it wayyyyy better lol. SIX FLAG, MORE FRIENDS MORE FLAGS LOL
Heres my car with the hood poped open and engine fucked.

Heres Kenny and Leslee enjoying the ferry ride

Nai and I enjoying the ferry ride

Couple of shot from the ferry

The Bay Bridge and Alcatraz

Me and Nai playin DDR...Yes!!!! I won lol

Nai lookin at Alcatraz

Me loookin at Alcatraz

I see NAI!!!! NM they were juss seals

DP???? lol

Beautiful flowers next to a beautiful girl and Nais favorite HEN lol

Does anybody remember? lol
Heres my car with the hood poped open and engine fucked.
Heres Kenny and Leslee enjoying the ferry ride
Nai and I enjoying the ferry ride
Couple of shot from the ferry
The Bay Bridge and Alcatraz
Me and Nai playin DDR...Yes!!!! I won lol
Nai lookin at Alcatraz
Me loookin at Alcatraz
I see NAI!!!! NM they were juss seals
DP???? lol
Beautiful flowers next to a beautiful girl and Nais favorite HEN lol
Does anybody remember? lol