Triops Wednesday
Author: Kenta Nagano // Category:
Today while i was on my break, i worked a 11 hrs shift, i walked to the vivarium with my mom in berkeley. i was lookin around at the frogs, turtles, snakes, trantulas and scorpions. Then i saw the Triops, they looked sooooooooooooooooooo cool. So i bought the kit lol. Thier basicly mini horseshoe crabs and so called prehistorical animals. i put the eggs in water today, so hopefully while im at work tomorrow morning, they will hatch. they take 24-30hrs to hatch.

heres the eggs in the water. i have my fingers crossed lol

also heres a lil re-cap of wat i did friday. i went to kennys place to meet up with kenny, mel and scott. kennys car wasent starting so mel, kenny and scott was tryin to figure it out. then after we gave up on kennys car, we went to a place called king of thai noodles and dats it haha.
if kenny wasent there, they look like they are tryin to jack the car haha jk

me eattin noodles

mel and scott eattin thier thai food. YUMMMMM

me trippen out from the wierd writing, so i became the writing haha..... wth lol

kenny tryin to be cute at a thai resturant haha

the cutest couple ull ever see =P

and last but not least someones iphone lol. its either mels or scotts. not mine because it doesnt have the green cover
heres the eggs in the water. i have my fingers crossed lol
also heres a lil re-cap of wat i did friday. i went to kennys place to meet up with kenny, mel and scott. kennys car wasent starting so mel, kenny and scott was tryin to figure it out. then after we gave up on kennys car, we went to a place called king of thai noodles and dats it haha.
if kenny wasent there, they look like they are tryin to jack the car haha jk
me eattin noodles
mel and scott eattin thier thai food. YUMMMMM
me trippen out from the wierd writing, so i became the writing haha..... wth lol
kenny tryin to be cute at a thai resturant haha
the cutest couple ull ever see =P
and last but not least someones iphone lol. its either mels or scotts. not mine because it doesnt have the green cover